How to Find a Coder’s Username
December 29, 2016

Forgetting a password is one thing, but coders will sometimes forget their username. Thankfully, we’ve built in a way for you to look up their username quickly and easily.

Watch the video, or follow the steps below to learn how to find a coder’s username.

Step 1: Log in

Navigate to and log in with your admin username and password. It will take you to this screen:

Step 2:  Click “Coders”

From that screen, click the “Coders” button to the right of your code club name.

Step 3: Search by first name

This will take you to a list of all the coders who have ever created a profile in your code club. That page will look something like this:

If there are few enough names in that list you can manually scroll down until you find the name of the coder who has forgotten their username. If the list is long, you can use a keyboard shortcut to find the name quickly.

FOR MAC USERS: Press “Command + F” to search

FOR PC USERS: Press “Control + F” to search


Enter the coder’s first name, and find their account. The third column from the right is the Username column. Whatever is written there is the coder’s username.

Once you have reminded the coder what their username is, have them sign in using it. If they’ve forgotten their password, be ready to help them with that.

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