What if learning to code was actually fun?
Give students hope for their future with Fiero Code – the easiest way to teach computer programming (no coding expertise required!)
Over 50,000 students learning through innovative organizations such as:

5 reasons why you will love Fiero Code
1. No coding expertise required!
Whether you want to use Fiero for a coding class, code club, or any other in-person experience, your staff doesn’t need to know a lick of coding.
Training provided so anyone can teach coding.
Video lessons mean you never have to do lesson prep again.
Scope & sequence docs make it easy to run an entire class with Fiero.
2. Everything your students need is included!
You don’t become the leading learn-to-code solution without making it stupid easy teach coding education. Fiero is an all-in-one platform.
Courses & Challenges teach students how to code (btw, did we mention we’re standards-aligned?)
Built-in code editors allow students to code right inside Fiero.
Scripting languages + block-based coding makes coding accessible for beginners as well as advanced learners.
3. We make coding actually fun.
Turns out coding doesn’t have to be scary, overwhelming, or boring. We’ve cracked the code on how to infectiously teach coding.
Project-based learning empowers students to build real video games, apps, websites, and more!
Story-based learning makes projects feel meaningful and relevant.
Coding competitions allow students to compete against other learners from around the world.

4. It’s easy to deliver to your community
Whether you’re at a school or library, we’ve got everything you need to make Fiero a breeze to deliver.
Marketing materials that have been known to make librarians drool. All made in Canva (you’re welcome!).
Statistics give you insight into your organization’s usage.
See student progress and ensure your students are on track.
Google Classroom integration makes rostering a breeze.
5. It actually works.
It should go without saying, but it’s not always true with edTech products. With Fiero, students lives are actually changed.
Career pathways give students the skills needed for entry-level web developer jobs.
Life-skills like problem solving, critical thinking, digital literacy become second nature to Fiero students.
Hopeful futures are unlocked as students begin to connect the skills they’re learning with the outcomes available through coding.

Well Decorated

Well Loved
"I am proud that I made a whole game using Javascript."
"I had fun making a platformer!"
"Learning to add and animate elements was really fun."
"I'm proud that I learned new things."
"So fun making the planets explode!"
"I'm proud of finishing it and not crashing the webpage!"
Well Aligned

Unlock hopeful futures for the people in your community.

The Resource Library >
Access free resources to help start and run coding programs at your school or library.