The Ultimate Guide for Partnering with Fiero Contests

2025 Code Challenge Schedule

The February Challenge

Dates: February 1 – March 31

Title: Arctic Adventure

Theme: Game Development

Languages: Code Blocks

Project: Build a maze game using Code Blocks.

The June Challenge

Dates: June 1 – July 31

Title: Cosmic Art Gallery

Theme: Gallery-Style Website

Languages: HTML/CSS/JS

Project: Create a gallery website to host images of photos and artwork of stars and planets. 

* Tie in with CSLP Theme: “Color Our World

The October Challenge

Dates: Oct 1 – Nov 30

Title: Light Quest

Theme: Story-based game development

Languages: Code Blocks

Project:Create a video game that guides the robots on their quest to reignite the light of Planet Fiero!

1. What are these “contests?”

Fiero organizes and runs several coding contests every year. These are free for your students to enter. They last about 8 weeks and students have the chance of winning code-able robots and toys. How cool is that?

Not only is this an amazing opportunity for your students to have some fun while learning how to code, but it’s a great way for libraries to draw in new users and drive usage of this amazing resource. 

The best part is… Fiero does all the heavy lifting! It’s a special event done-for-you!

# of Contests a year


Upcoming Contest Details

2. How to deliver a contest?

Delivering contests to your community is easy! Fiero creates all the marketing and promotional material you’ll need, and you just need to get the word out to your community! 

All contests are planned out a year in advance, so you could take 30 minutes at the beginning of every year to schedule out social media posts and emails, and not have to think about it again all year! 

Marketing and promotion is the name of the game to partner with Fiero contests. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of an amazing done-for-you event like this?! 

Annual time committment to partner with Fiero contests

Less than 60 minutes

3. Contests & Code Clubs

For all schools or libraries running code clubs or using Fiero in the classroom, integrating with Code Challenges are an excellent way to bring a fun dynamic to your group. Take the Code Challenge and build it into your program.