The Ultimate Guide for Starting Fiero Code Clubs
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1. What does it take to run a code club?
With Fiero’s help, code club becomes a very easy program to pull off. There’s no lesson prep, no curriculum development, no research… it’s basically a program in a box!
Ongoing average time commitments are less than two hours a week. You basically get to show up, get the room ready to go, have fun with the kids, and not think about it again.
We strongly recommend a minimum of 6 code club sessions a year. Many libraries do much more than this, but 6 is bottom-bar to succeed with Fiero. Summer reading might be a great time!
Weekly time commitment
1-2 hours
Training commitment
3-5 hours
Annual minimum # of meetings
6 weeks
2. Who should run a code club?
We get this question a lot, and it’s actually a really easy one to answer:
Anyone who cares about kids can run a Fiero code club.
Those people could have a variety of job titles inlcuding, but not limited to:
- Youth librarian
- Teen librarian
- Technical services librarian
- Library assistant
- Library director (it has been done!)
The important thing to remember is:
You don’t have to know how to code to run a Fiero code club!

3. Training for code clubs
Getting trained to run a Fiero code club is easy. Our training takes 3-5 hours to go through and we cover topics such as:
- The Fiero Code code club model
- What your role is in this model
- What to do when kids get stuck
- How to make code club fun
Training is the first step to start a code club. Access the training below and get rolling!
4. Tips for Library Systems
The best way to successfully deploy Fiero Code code clubs in your library system is to organize what we call a “Code Club Info Session.” In these virtual meetings, we basically try to get all your youth/teen/children’s librarians on a video call and talk about:
- why coding is important,
- the impact it’s going to have on youth
- the fact that you don’t have to know how to code to run a code club
- how Fiero makes it super easy to start a code club
Every time we do these sessions, a handful of librarians will raise their hand to say they’re interested in starting a code club.
If you’d like to schedule an info session for your staff, use the button below.