How to Evaluate Fiero's Statistics
A helpful guide to what all the amazing statistics in Fiero's software really mean in library-land terms.Fiero is an amazing learn-to-code software platform for kids ages 8-18. As libraries continue to engage in the “Coding in Libraries” movement, we need to learn to think differently about statistics for a resource like this. Too often, we’re stuck in the classic statistics categories we associate with our standard library databases, such as “searches” or “resources accessed.” While those work great for databases, but they don’t carry over very well to educational software like Fiero. This guide provides the major data points available in Fiero, and makes a library-land comparison to help you evaluate Fiero more effectively.
User Usage Statistics
Total Users
Description: The total number of Coders who have created accounts for that System or Branch
Library-Land Comparison: A Fiero user differs from a typical database user. Database users don’t have to create accounts or log in to use the database – it’s a much easier “ask’ for the library. Users in Fiero represent a much deeper utilization of library services, more comparable to a regular program attendee.
New Users
Description: The number of Coders who have created accounts within the selected dates.
Library-Land Comparison: New Users would be most closely compared to new program attendees. In the same way there is a “cost” for people to register and show up for a program, there is a similar level of commitment to sign up and create an account.
Description:How many times Coders logged into their account within the date range
Library-Land Comparison: Each Login represents significantly more usage than with a typical library database, both in quantity and quality. The average Fiero session is around 45 minutes. Each login equates more to a single program attendance than a database search.
Total Meetings
Description:The number of meetings for that program held within the selected dates.
Library-Land Comparison: A code club with Fiero requires no lesson prep. It’s a “program in a box.” Every meeting that was run with Fiero represents up to 6 hours of staff time saved through our curriculum content, automated email reminders, attendance taking, and more.
Logins Outside Meetings
Description: How many times code club members logged in outside of a Code Club meeting.
Library-Land Comparison: Each of these logins represents a Coder who is having such an amazing experience during Code Club that they continued to work on their projects during the week. These are the kids who are always asking “Is Code Club today?” Normally, you’d have to say no, but with Fiero, you can point them to the library website to access Fiero anytime during the week.
Total Hours Coded
Description: The accumulated time Coders were using the software within the selected dates
Library-Land Comparison: This is a significant stat to consider when evaluating usage. Each hour coded equates to hundreds of standard database searches. From a qualitative standpoint, each hour coded represents an hour of valuable learning that could cost your patrons hundreds of dollars elsewhere. Additionally, hours coded at home do not require any staff time to facilitate.
Curriculum Usage Statistics
Workouts Tasks Accessed
Description: How many tasks users began.
Library-Land Comparison: All this stat reports is when a user starts an activity, not taking into account if they complete the activity. Tasks are a lesson on a single concept, so this would compare closely to checking out a single book. You don’t know if they read the book or not, but you know they checked it out.
*All “accessed” stats began recording mid February 2022. Any workouts etc. accessed before that time will not be recorded.
Workout Tasks Completed
Description: How many tasks Coders finished
Library-Land Comparison: Completing a Workout task involves receiving instruction and doing a coding activity on a single concept. This isn’t too different from a patron checking out and reading an entire book on coding off your shelf.
Workouts Completed
Description:How many workouts Coders completed
Library-Land Comparison: A Workout consists of 3-7 Tasks. When a user completes a Workout, they receive a digital “reward” in the software, not too different from the rewards given out during Summer Reading. Completing a Workout would be more comparable to a patron checking out and reading an entire series of books.
Missions Accessed
Description: A Mission is a “project” in Fiero. This stat is reporting how many missions Coders started
Missions Completed
Description: How many missions Coders completed
Library-Land Comparison: Each completed mission is a finished computer program written by one of your coders to solve a specific problem/fill a specific need. Missions are open-ended and represent up to 20 hours of work and instruction, and take users through a design-thinking process.
Created Projects
Description: Fiero gives students a chance to create projects independently from the curriculum. This stat tracks how many projects a student has created on their own.
Content Accessed
Description: This is the sum of Workout Tasks accessed, Missions accessed, and Projects Created.
Library-land comparison: Often times e-resource librarians are looking for a “cost per use” number. This doesn’t exactly give you that, but it gets closer by showing you the total amount of content accessed.
You still need to take into account that Fiero is likely being used to run programs, coding contests, and more.
Challenge Participants
Description: How many students have participated in one of our contests.